Shaft Lean of Golfer

8. Body Mechanics for Shaft Lean

June 20, 202410 min read

Understanding Shaft Lean in Golf: Mastering Body Mechanics, Posture, and Pressure Shifts


Shaft lean in golf is a critical aspect that significantly influences ball striking and overall performance. As a professional golf instructor at EJS Golf Academy in Scottsdale, AZ, I emphasize the importance of proper body mechanics, posture, and the effective movement of pressure throughout the golf swing. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the intricacies of shaft lean, delve into why many golfers struggle to achieve it, and provide actionable insights to help you master this crucial element. Visit my Scottsdale Golf Lessons page to learn more about how I can help you improve your game.

In this blog you will read about mass and pressure. I want you to focus more on moving pressure around in the golf swing, not mass (weight). We want to move pressure around to create power and accuracy.

The Importance of Shaft Lean

Shaft lean refers to the forward tilt of the golf club's shaft at impact. Proper shaft lean ensures that the club face compresses the ball effectively, leading to better control, distance, and consistency. Without adequate shaft lean, golfers often struggle with thin shots, loss of power, and erratic ball flight. Achieving the correct shaft lean is not merely about manipulating the hands or arms but involves a coordinated effort of the entire body, starting with the feet and progressing through the legs, hips, and torso.

Body Mechanics and Posture: The Foundation of Shaft Lean

The foundation of proper shaft lean lies in the golfer's posture and body mechanics. At address, a golfer should maintain a balanced and athletic stance, with weight evenly distributed between the feet. The spine should tilt slightly forward from the hips, allowing for a natural arm hang. This posture sets the stage for a powerful and efficient swing, enabling the body to move in harmony.

During the backswing, the body must rotate around a stable axis, with weight shifting to the inside of the back foot. Moving pressure accurately is crucial, as it stores potential energy that will be unleashed during the downswing. However, many golfers fail to achieve proper shaft lean because they do not transition their weight correctly in the downswing.

Pressure Shifts and Center of Pressure (COP) Traces

Understanding how to move pressure around during the swing is essential for achieving proper shaft lean. The Center of Pressure (COP) trace is a valuable tool in analyzing weight distribution and movement. The COP trace shows the path of pressure movement under the feet during the swing. Ideal COP traces vary, but a common trait among skilled golfers is the efficient transfer of pressure from the back foot to the front foot during the transition and downswing.

There are different COP traces that golfers use, including linear, lateral, and vertical. Each trace has unique characteristics and can affect shaft lean differently. For instance, a linear trace involves a smooth, continuous shift of pressure from the back foot to the front foot. A lateral trace features a more pronounced shift towards the front foot, while a vertical trace emphasizes vertical force and ground reaction. Understanding these traces helps golfers recognize and correct their pressure movements to achieve optimal shaft lean.

Common Pitfalls: Back Foot Pressure at Transition

One of the primary reasons golfers struggle with shaft lean is the tendency to keep pressure and mass on the back foot at the transition (P4). This improper weight distribution prevents the golfer from adequately shifting pressure forward, leading to a host of issues, including casting the club, flipping the hands, and a lack of power. When the majority of pressure remains on the back foot, the body is unable to move efficiently towards the target, resulting in poor shaft lean at impact.

Golfers often exhibit this flaw due to several factors, including poor swing mechanics, incorrect setup, and a lack of awareness of body movements. Additionally, fear of hitting the ground before the ball (fat shots) can cause golfers to hang back on the back foot, further exacerbating the problem. To correct this, golfers need to focus on initiating the downswing with a shift of pressure towards the front foot while maintaining a stable and balanced posture.

Achieving Ideal Shaft Lean: The Role of the Body

To achieve ideal shaft lean, it is crucial to understand the role of the body in the golf swing. The downswing should begin with a lateral shift of the hips towards the target, followed by a rotation of the torso and the unhinging of the wrists. This sequence of movements allows the club to approach the ball from the inside with a descending blow, promoting proper shaft lean.

During the downswing, the pressure should shift from the back foot to the front foot, with the lead leg providing a firm base for rotation. The lead hip should clear out of the way, allowing the upper body to rotate freely. This coordinated movement ensures that the hands are ahead of the ball at impact, creating the desired shaft lean. Maintaining a stable spine angle and a balanced posture throughout the swing is essential for achieving this ideal position.

Practical Drills to Improve Shaft Lean

To help golfers achieve proper shaft lean, I recommend incorporating specific drills into their practice routines. One effective drill is the "Step Drill," which emphasizes the importance of weight transfer. To perform this drill, set up as usual, but before starting the backswing, lift your lead foot and step forward as you initiate the downswing. This movement encourages a natural shift of pressure towards the front foot, promoting proper shaft lean at impact.

]Another useful drill is the "Pump Drill," which focuses on maintaining the correct wrist hinge and arm position during the downswing. Begin by taking the club to the top of the backswing, then pump the club halfway down and back to the top several times before completing the swing. This drill helps reinforce the feeling of keeping the hands ahead of the ball and maintaining proper shaft lean.


Mastering shaft lean in golf is a fundamental aspect of becoming a better ball striker. By understanding the importance of body mechanics, posture, and pressure shifts, golfers can achieve the correct shaft lean and significantly improve their performance. At EJS Golf Academy, I use advanced technology and a feedback-driven approach to help golfers of all levels develop the skills necessary to achieve their goals. Visit my Online Golf Lessons page to learn more about how you can start improving your game today.

For more in-depth tips and insights, check out my blog, where I regularly share valuable information on various aspects of golf. Whether you're looking for Scottsdale golf lessons or want to enhance your skills through online instruction, EJS Golf Academy is here to help you become the best golfer you can be.

Case Study: Transforming Mike's Golf Swing with Proper Shaft Lean


At EJS Golf Academy, I have had the privilege of working with golfers of all skill levels, helping them achieve remarkable improvements in their game. One such success story is that of Mike, a mid-handicap golfer who struggled with achieving proper shaft lean. His journey from inconsistent ball striking to becoming a solid and reliable golfer is a testament to the power of understanding body mechanics, posture, and pressure shifts.

Mike's Initial Struggles

When Mike first came to me, he was frustrated with his game. Despite his best efforts, he consistently hit thin shots and lacked the distance and control he desired. After a thorough analysis using the Trackman 4 Launch monitor, GRF Analysis, and 3D Video, it became clear that Mike's primary issue was his inability to achieve proper shaft lean at impact. Most of his pressure and mass were on his back foot at the transition (P4), leading to a host of swing faults, including casting the club and flipping his hands.

Identifying the Root Cause

During our initial sessions, we focused on identifying the root cause of Mike's struggles. It became evident that his weight distribution was off, with too much pressure remaining on his back foot throughout the swing. This improper weight shift prevented him from achieving the forward shaft lean necessary for solid ball striking. Additionally, his posture at address needed adjustment to set up a more efficient and powerful swing. I tried to drill into Mike to change his thinking to pressure from mass.

The Training Program

To address Mike's issues, I designed a tailored training program that emphasized body mechanics, posture, and pressure shifts. Here are the key components of Mike's training program:

1. Posture Correction

We started with the basics, focusing on Mike's posture at address. I taught him to maintain a balanced and athletic stance, with his weight evenly distributed between his feet. We worked on ensuring his spine tilted slightly forward from the hips, allowing for a natural arm hang. This new setup created a strong foundation for his swing, enabling better body movement and pressure shifts.

2. Weight Transfer Drills

To help Mike develop a proper weight transfer, we incorporated the "Step Drill" into his practice routine. This drill emphasized the importance of shifting pressure from the back foot to the front foot during the downswing. By lifting his lead foot and stepping forward as he initiated the downswing, Mike learned to move his pressure towards the target, promoting proper shaft lean at impact.

3. Pump Drill

The "Pump Drill" became a staple in Mike's training. This drill helped him maintain the correct wrist hinge and arm position during the downswing. By repeatedly pumping the club halfway down and back to the top before completing the swing, Mike reinforced the feeling of keeping his hands ahead of the ball and achieving proper shaft lean.

4. COP Trace Analysis

Using GRF Analysis and COP trace data, we monitored Mike's pressure movement throughout his swing. This real-time feedback allowed us to make precise adjustments and ensure he was transferring his weight efficiently. We focused on creating a linear COP trace, with a smooth, continuous shift of pressure from the back foot to the front foot.

5. Continuous Feedback and Adjustments

Throughout the training program, I provided continuous feedback and made necessary adjustments to Mike's swing. Using 3D Video analysis, we reviewed his progress and identified areas for improvement. This iterative process ensured that Mike's swing mechanics, posture, and pressure shifts were consistently improving.

The Results

Over the course of several weeks, Mike's hard work and dedication paid off. His ball striking improved dramatically, with more consistent and powerful shots. The proper shaft lean he achieved at impact led to better compression of the ball, resulting in increased distance and control. Mike's confidence grew as he saw tangible results from his training program.

By the end of our training sessions, Mike had transformed his game. His handicap dropped significantly, and he was no longer plagued by thin shots and erratic ball flight. The combination of posture correction, weight transfer drills, and continuous feedback helped him master the mechanics of proper shaft lean. Mike's success story is a testament to the effectiveness of a feedback-driven approach and the importance of understanding body mechanics and pressure shifts in golf.


Mike's journey from struggling golfer to confident ball striker highlights the transformative power of proper shaft lean. At EJS Golf Academy, I am committed to helping golfers of all levels achieve their goals through personalized training programs and advanced technology. If you're ready to take your game to the next level, visit my Scottsdale Golf Lessons and Online Golf Lessons pages to learn more. For more tips and insights, check out my blog. Join Mike and many others who have experienced the benefits of expert coaching and a feedback-driven approach.

Erik Schjolberg

EJS Golf Academy

Scottsdale Golf Lessons

Online Golf Lessons

Are you lost at times on the golf course or the driving range and just don’t know how to correct your slice, hitting it fat, topping the ball, etc.?  What if you had a plan, maybe even on a notecard in your golf bag as many of my student do, that is your simple blueprint towards your desired shot?  This isn’t a pie in the sky dream.  These are the tools I want to give you so that your athletic ability, mobility, strength, etc. are working as one for you!  
I will liberate you from those thoughts of where your body parts should be during the golf swing.  In turn, you will give yourself the chance to self organize and focus on either some external cue I will develop with you or just being in the flow state. In my system you will no longer be subject to golf myths, swing tips of the day, guessing, etc.  ​

Coach Erik Schjolberrg

Are you lost at times on the golf course or the driving range and just don’t know how to correct your slice, hitting it fat, topping the ball, etc.? What if you had a plan, maybe even on a notecard in your golf bag as many of my student do, that is your simple blueprint towards your desired shot? This isn’t a pie in the sky dream. These are the tools I want to give you so that your athletic ability, mobility, strength, etc. are working as one for you! I will liberate you from those thoughts of where your body parts should be during the golf swing. In turn, you will give yourself the chance to self organize and focus on either some external cue I will develop with you or just being in the flow state. In my system you will no longer be subject to golf myths, swing tips of the day, guessing, etc. ​

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